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(70 MARKS)

53) The goal of adult health is to __ except

48) The causative agent of typhoid fever is known as __

69) The passing of stool more than 3 – 4 times is termed

64) The tuberculosis that affects animal is known as ____

17) Whooping cough is characterized with the following

4) All but one is an objectives of health

23) In the diagnosis of malaria, when there is control line and no test line, what does it indicate?

12) All but one is not categories of plasmodium

54) The categories of adult health that relates to social life is __

30) ___ is a point of care, with regards to tuberculosis

46) What is the meaning of RDT?

61) ___ explain chronic diseases except

6) A state of complete physical, social and mental wellbeing is known as__

57) All are mode of HIV transmission except __

22) ____ is a malaria parasite that shows the species of the parasite

29) The phase of tuberculosis, that is Asymptomatic is known as__

50) The Gold standard for HIV diagnosis is __

45) The presence of faecal matter in water or food can result to __

66) __ is the full meaning of BCG

10) One of these is a symptom of tuberculosis

28) The incubatory period of malaria parasite is between__

59) What is the course code of adult health

27) The temperature of an individual with malaria is __

38) The following make up the symptoms of diarrhoea except__

65) ___ is a vaccine used to prevent against Tuberculosis

41) Another name for HIV is ___

21) All are ways of preventing malaria except

20) ___ is an asexual production

18) Malaria is a __ disease

40) Oro-genital sex, is a sex between __ organ

58) All but one does not prevent HIV transmission

35) the following are symptoms of pneumonia except__

39) The HIV strain that is been globalized is known as __

32) All but one is not a common disease affecting the adult

55) The state of physical, social and mental wellbeing between 18 and 75 years is refers to as __

52) What is the course unit of Adult health

26) ____ is the recommended treatment for malaria

51) A condition that is characterized with the skin regressed slowly is known as___

7) All are special needs for the adult, except

2) A person who is fully grown is refers to as__

34) all are types of cough except__

47) When there is absent of both control and test line on a strip is known as__

68) Oocyte is the ___ stage of the life cycle of malaria

5) __ refers to the age, in which a person will be defined by law to be an adult

25) ___ is the Gold standard for malaria diagnosis

31) The classification of adult as to choose a mate, reproduce and provide for them is known as___

67) Coughing, sneezing, talking are means of transmitting __

62) The alteration of stable physical and mental wellbeing is refers to as__

44) The individual bitten by an infected mosquito is regarded as ___

70) E – coli is a micro-organism that causes __

60) What is the full name of the course lecturer

24) During malaria test, where there is both control and test line, it indicate__

15) In the treatment of diarrhoea, the measures are applied except__

11) In the life cycle of malaria, the plasmodium penetrate the liver as__ except

63) Asthma is also known as__

43) ___ is the most commonest type of plasmodium in developing countries like Nigeria

42) Skin contact during sex is one of the ways to contact except

9) One of the following is a causative agent of tuberculosis

3) According to warners 1977, describe an adult, as someone who is between 18 years and 21 years is known as___

13) The passing of frequent watery stool, with 3 or more times is known as__

33) what is the other name for whooping cough

1) Adult health focuses on patient centered care for____

8) Cough is a sign of irritation of __ and __

16) __ is due to injury or infectious disease

36) ____ is released from the liver after an asexual production

49) What is the meaning of deficiency

37) Insecticide treated net is a preventive measure for ___

19) __ multiply in the liver except

56) The following are some of the adult diseases except

14) The following are measures to eradicate diarrhoea except __

Thank you for participating in this examination!!!